
Friday, March 28, 2014

I Am Procrastinating Like a BOSS!!!

I need to vent. So, I have a few things due in the next few days. I am determined NOT to get stressed!
However, I have an 18 pg. research paper due, AND a 3 page reflective writing about 4 articles I have not even read. I also have to (not mandatory-kind of like me wanting to be a hero and start early) make my practicum contract. So, you can see how I am choosing to spend my time. At this point, I could write 100 page paper in two days. I am so desensitized to writing papers it is like taking my next breath. So, as I blog, hunt freebies and Netflix bing I will get it done! It may not sound like it but I am actually a really good student who is literally 4 classes away from my HOOD! To further inspire me I added a few inspiring memes. I know, I know, I promised no fake celebs on this blog. However, Ryan Gosling doesn't count-HE is NEVER fake (even I have my vices) :-p.

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