
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Business Before Pleasure!

As most of you know I am in the hell that is called grad school. I am at the point in my studies that I have to get 150 practicum hours. So, I have been getting shit done and taking no prisoners! I will have this wrapped up in about 2.5 weeks. Which is awesome because I need a vacay! But, they positives definitely outweigh the burden of working 150 hrs for free. I am helping people and families suffering from any form of Dementia. It is heartbreaking, and tireless work. You really want to help everyone, and just can't. Really, this is something we should all take note of. In my county alone, we have more older adults than newborns. We are an aging society and if you see the stats for 2020 and beyond it would shake you to your core. See the below videos for a little perspective (only 2 short videos-nothing long)..... There is no cure for irreversible Dementia, it is fatal, and it does not discriminate, there is also no way to honestly prevent yourself from getting it. I have seen doctors, scientist and professors get this, so being smart & playing Sudoku doesn't help . Younger adults are getting this awful disease. People in their 40s, 50s, and some as young as 38! Watch the below video. EVERYONE needs to know about this epidemic. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, the second most common is vascular dementia. Scary stats... 

The two main factors for getting Dementia is 1-aging, 2-being a woman....

We need a cure. Fast!

So I have been trying to do my part to support and help families needing help as they go through this life changing event. 

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