
Monday, March 31, 2014

Product Review: Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin, Nails Gummies 30-day challenge!!!!

I am SUPER excited to start my free product sample from! I am trying the Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin, Nails Gummies. I plan on taking vitamins everyday and I will see if I see an improvement in my skin, hair, and nails. I can say that the gummies taste like strawberry, but they are not too sweet. This product has no artificial flavors, no milk, no lactose, no soy, no gluten, no wheat, no yeast, no fish and is sodium free! I plan on sharing my product samples with friends. An added bonus was two hair ties, nail file and compact mirror! All for FREE! Just for a product review. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Product Review--Starbucks Blonde Roast

This is the absolute final cup of my free 12oz sample of Starbucks Blonde Roast from BZZAgent. I really enjoyed this blend. It is light, nutty and super mellow. No harsh aftertaste. So, as I sit and enjoy my final cup I highly recommend trying the new Starbucks Blonde and other light roast. We actually went out and got a bag of the Bright Sky, which was very good. But, for me the Starbucks Blonde is my favorite.

Saturday, March 29, 2014


You know as I cruise the net I see so much hate spewed over the internet. People say things they would never have the courage to say in person. It highlights just how unhappy so many people are. Unfortunately, for many their lives are so hard and they have grown up with hate in their households, or have had an experience that has created a pocket of hate, they are creating an entirely new generation of angry bigoted people. What was worked so hard for in the 60s and 70s with the civil rights movement and the women's movement, look how far back we have gone. However, we have come far we have a long way to go. I will always stay optimistic. We need to pull together and unite, with enough help and determination we always do. I know their are genuinely good people in the world. I know that even those with hate in their hearts have good qualities about them. Their is a reason they hate. Let's educate, and spread the word of peace and love for all. No more labels, no more competition, just love and the pursuit for undying happiness in all you do. I truly believe EVERYTHING happens for a reason, good or bad. With the good comes the bad, and with the bad comes the good.

Join me....

If you Love Bob Marley and the Marley Family.....


Follow Ziggy, Rohan, and Robbie Marley as they hop on bikes and travel through Africa, to South Africa for the FIFA World Cup. Follow their journey as they try to assemble a free concert for the citizens of Soweto. I love this documentary first because I am a LIFELONG Marley fan. LIFELONG! I love Ziggy because I feel he sounds the most like Bob. Second, Ziggy is singing all of Bob's songs. I like this movie because they made a point to show that Africa is not entirely a third world country and that unity and freedom is still needed. Really good, really humbling journey and Ziggy really is deep. If you have Netflix check it out. 

Buenos Dias

Friday, March 28, 2014

He Always Inspires Me... He is a Badass!

Here's a Cool Freebie to Help Fight Gambling Addiction.... FREE T-SHIRT!!!!

I don't mind a twitter freebie, but I detest Facebook freebies. So, you will never find one on this blog. However, go to the below link and score a cool t-shirt absolutely free! You pay for your shirt via a tweet!

Go to:

I'm a Lover of Art..... Basquiat

You will learn I am a lover of many things, art being one of them. Every now and then I will post some of my favorites artist and art. Enjoy today's homage....

I Used to Love Benny....

Why I Miss the 90's

Awwww my youth.....
Hands down 80s/90s were awesome.


Why Mrs Slocombe?

Well, that's easy.... Because she rocks! Please, if you have never heard of the fabulous Mrs. Slocombe below is a nice introduction into her and an old show I used to love watching (still do). Enjoy!


It Might Interest You to Know.....

It may interest you to know what I am actually in grad school for. I am studying aging. I am researching dementia, biological aging, socio-economic aging, basically the entire spectrum of aging from the Baby Boomer cohort to the oldest old cohorts of 85+! Very new field that will ensure stable work for a long time. FYI... our society is 'graying'. Deaths are not being equally replenished with births, people are living longer, an our support ratio for SS is dwindling. So, this is what my passion is. Helping advocate for older adults. Helping them age with dignity, respect, autonomy and pride. 

Another Open Post.....

To add to my original open post, which I feel I should have mentioned. I also promise NEVER to talk politics, religion, or any other shit I know people get shitty about. This is a neutral blog, save the hate for another blog. This blog is for me to vent about how sore my ass is from grad school, providing AMAZING links to free stuff (no crappy freebies here), and other stuff that inspires me. I hope you follow my journey. Other than that no rules apply, other than the rules of Blogger (don't want to piss them off). Also, the links I provide will have been checked and verified by me before I post them. I hate nothing more than to see a freebie link and it be SPAM or a Facebook freebie. I will have tried and tested everything I post. I hope you enjoy. Leave comments, constructive criticism, venting, rants, info on other freebies and whatever you feel is important to say.


This Shit PISSES Me OFF!!!! Why?

So, people who have lived on their own foods, probably healthier than the over processed, chemical laced shit we have to eat. Why the FUCK would you give people who live like this a FUCKING TOXIC ASS WHOPPER!
You will learn I do not like missionaries, or dumb asses who make crap videos about destroying lives and getting otherwise healthy people stuck on the Western shit diet the rest of the Western world is accustomed to.

This Documentary Has Been Out....

If you haven't checked out this documentary on Netflix, you should. Crazy love is an understatement.
Funny how love works and how your heart pulls you in directions you would never imagine going.
Check it out. See below for a preview!

I Am Procrastinating Like a BOSS!!!

I need to vent. So, I have a few things due in the next few days. I am determined NOT to get stressed!
However, I have an 18 pg. research paper due, AND a 3 page reflective writing about 4 articles I have not even read. I also have to (not mandatory-kind of like me wanting to be a hero and start early) make my practicum contract. So, you can see how I am choosing to spend my time. At this point, I could write 100 page paper in two days. I am so desensitized to writing papers it is like taking my next breath. So, as I blog, hunt freebies and Netflix bing I will get it done! It may not sound like it but I am actually a really good student who is literally 4 classes away from my HOOD! To further inspire me I added a few inspiring memes. I know, I know, I promised no fake celebs on this blog. However, Ryan Gosling doesn't count-HE is NEVER fake (even I have my vices) :-p.

Great Documentary... Considering I Do Not Agree.

I am a forward thinker and I love a good, educational, and intriguing documentary. I really enjoy all sorts of documentaries. I do not like campy docs. I like real documentaries that show beauty, and literally take me to another place. Well, I was binging on Netflix before I delve into an 18 page research paper. I was watching a beautiful documentary entitled 'Pururambo'. First, before I begin let me disclose I am NOT a fan of missionaries, nor am I a fan of researchers going into untouched land and mingling with indigenous life and tribes, such as the ones in this documentary. However, after throwing away that fact I was able to watch. I must say I was impressed with some of what the researchers did. They didn't get too invasive, however there were a few parts I didn't agree with. I don't believe in giving untouched life, our crappy food. History of the American Indians and the spread of disease upon the founding of the New World has taught us nothing. But, for aesthetic qualities and the beauty of the tribes I have to recommend watching this on Netflix.

If you do not have Netflix never fear YouTube has your back, click on below link for entire doc:

Cholula® Chili Lime Hot Sauce

Cholula® Chili Lime Hot Sauce: Enjoy the delicious blend of #CholulaChiliLime Hot Sauce! Receive $0.75 off #freesample *I received a free sample courtesy of Smiley360

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My life as a free sample HOARDER!: Product Review: Starbucks Blonde Roast Coffee

My life as a free sample HOARDER!: Product Review: Starbucks Blonde Roast Coffee: I was so stoked to get my 1st campaign with . I tried my first cup this morning. After dinner I will enjoy another cup! ...


Sharing the love...

LONG time RHCP fan.
One of my favorites.

What I Run Errands to.....


So many vast interpretations of this painting.
It is one of my favorite pieces of art.

Free Pack of Ban Refresh Cooling Body Cloths---I BET these are awesome after a workout!

I can't wait to get my free pack of the new Ban Cooling Body Cloths.
After a workout, freshening up, or to cool down.
Go to the below link to claim your totally free Ban Cooling Body Cloths:

FREE Kotex Samples are Back!!!!!

Ladies head on over to the link below to claim your free sample pack of goodies from Kotex products:

FREE! FREE SHIPPING---Join or become a BZZAgent!!!!


Product Review: Starbucks Blonde Roast Coffee

I was so stoked to get my 1st campaign with
I tried my first cup this morning. After dinner I will enjoy another cup!
I have always stayed away from Starbucks coffee. I always prefer their cold drinks (YUM).
Even though their coffee was always too bitter for my taste I still LOVE Starbucks. I love their food, breakfast, etc... 
So, I learned via that Starbucks has a new line of LIGHT ROAST COFFEES.
I prefer a light roast. This coffee was so flavorful and mellow, no jolt, or long aftertaste. It really is divine. provided me the opportunity to try this free campaign. How lucky am I that I got such an awesome first campaign, and it was an extra bonus that I happen to really like the product.
If you are a light roast lover PLEASE TRY Starbucks Blonde Roast and Aria line of other blends of light roast coffees.
I can't wait to buy more and I look forward to finally ordering this when I go to Starbucks.
You should try it!


NEW ARM & HAMMER (TM) Truly Radiant (TM)

NEW ARM & HAMMER (TM) Truly Radiant (TM): #SmileBrighter with A&H #TrulyRadiant Toothpaste & Toothbrush - Receive a free toothpaste sample #freesample *I received a free sample courtesy of Smiley360 when sharing.

His Holiness.... Truth!

Documentary fans... Must watch! Really good.

This documentary is intriguing because it follows a Ukrainian woman named Olga who has adopted a number of bi-racial Ukrainian children who were left in orphanages because they were bi-racial. Imagine how hard their lives are living in such a homogeneous society. One of the most intriguing documentaries I have ever seen. I really hope they do a follow up of all the children who were in Olga's care.
If you are living in America you can't find this on the net unless you have the Hola Unblocker extension (free and super quick to install on your browser-lets you watch and surf the net in other countries-I use it to watch documentaries like this that I can't access here).
However, if you are in Canada or you plan on installing Hola Unblocker (choose Canada)  the below link will take you to the Canadian/BC Knowledge Network. It is worth adding the Hola extension if you love good docs.
Watch the movie now, see below link.


WORK----Bob Marley

FREE Child Safety Latch Starter Kit

Soon to be moms/dads; and moms/dads get a start on safety proofing your home. Click the below link for Proctor & Gamble Consumer Care offer for FREE CHILD SAFETY LATCH STARTER KIT!!!!

WHITE SOX FANS!!!! Free Upper Box Tickets for 2014 season.....

The White Sox are looking to improve their customer experience. They are giving away upper box tickets, as well as coupons for tix. As a former Chicagoan I know how hard it can be to score White Sox tickets. Go to the link below to take the White Sox survey and score free tix.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Huge Werner Herzog Fan...

I love documentaries. REAL documentaries. Werner Herzog is one of my favorites. Here is a list of must watch documentaries from the extraordinary Herzog:

Woodabe - Herdsman of the Sun (my absolute favorite, really beautiful)

Also avail on YouTube:

This one is harder to find, but it is avail on the net somewhere.


You can find this on Netflix! Really good!

This is a new favorite and I think anyone who loves a good                                                                      documentary would enjoy this. It is truly remarkable. This is on Netflix right now as well!


So happy viewing, and let me know what you think...