
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Open Post....

So, if you aren't aware I am somewhat new to the blogging world. I guess I decided I wanted to try something different. So, here I am. I hope you enjoy my blog. I will frequently put up awesome freebie deals, and information on some awesome product testing sites. However, I want to also provide daily rants, funny stuff, valid information, and news of the day. I do not want a blog that is filled with silicone injected, plastic people playing the role of puppets for wealth. I am not into the materialistic turn our society has taken. So, while I can't promise my blog will be ''the best'' it will be original, organic, and I promise NO CELEB STORIES, NO links to anything that will ever require a penny, and I promise to stay consistent. So, this is who I am. I am in school and this is my way to vent. I hope to get some followers because I put up some great links to product testing sites. I am spreading the word. I also will put up quotes that inspire me, music that inspires me, and poetry that inspires me. I hope you enjoy my journey and I hope you follow me and take advantage of the awesome site links I add. Watch my videos, enjoy thumbing through my hodgepodge of information.

While I promise no celeb crap blog like the mainstream blogs, you will see references to some of my absolute favorite things. For example, I love RHCP, Bruce Lee, documentaries, and culturally stimulating activity. So, chime in.... follow me and take an adventure with a newbie blogger.

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