
Saturday, March 29, 2014


You know as I cruise the net I see so much hate spewed over the internet. People say things they would never have the courage to say in person. It highlights just how unhappy so many people are. Unfortunately, for many their lives are so hard and they have grown up with hate in their households, or have had an experience that has created a pocket of hate, they are creating an entirely new generation of angry bigoted people. What was worked so hard for in the 60s and 70s with the civil rights movement and the women's movement, look how far back we have gone. However, we have come far we have a long way to go. I will always stay optimistic. We need to pull together and unite, with enough help and determination we always do. I know their are genuinely good people in the world. I know that even those with hate in their hearts have good qualities about them. Their is a reason they hate. Let's educate, and spread the word of peace and love for all. No more labels, no more competition, just love and the pursuit for undying happiness in all you do. I truly believe EVERYTHING happens for a reason, good or bad. With the good comes the bad, and with the bad comes the good.

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