
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Wal-Mart is the Left Horn of the Antichrist!

If you did not know, I am not a fan of Wal-Mart and truly avoid going there in any and all circumstances. However, unfortunately there is that one occasion you have to walk into the sty and abyss that is the hell of Wal-Mart.
Today my husband and I went into a Wal-Mart that resembled a cattle call of cumulative disadvantage. We tried to do business with a banking branch of ours that is run out of Wal-Mart (not that Wood one). Anyhow, the customer service sucked.
We got NOTHING accomplished but frustration and we got into a Wal-Mart fight. Wal-Mart ruins lives. Literally and figuratively.
They ruin the people of China and any other country they have manufacturing their crap goods. They treat their employees like shit, low pay, no respect, and little to no insurance.
They come in and destroy neighborhood stores and shops and they are all nasty, disgusting infestations of a huge shit sandwich. Why did we even choose to go to this particular branch? Okay, I will own it.
We were too lazy to take the drive to the actual bank we usually go to. So, that part is our fault. But, nonetheless Wal-Mart sucks monkey balls. Today further verifies why I stay the hell away from Wal-Mart!
I know, I am usually in a peace and namaste mode. All bets off where and when Wal-Mart is involved.

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