
Monday, May 19, 2014

Why being married SUCKS.....

You know I waited a long time before I decided to get married. I choose to have a bit of a life before settling down. I have kissed many toads, but my husband is truly my soul mate. In saying that, sometimes being married sucks. Currently, I am binging on the Bob Marley discography of every song he ever sang. I have decided at the end of this VERY LONG album I will start talking to him again. Why am I binging on Bob? Peace and serenity!  Of course as most married couples do we had a blow up. This blow up further highlighted why it sucks to be married... sometimes ;-) So, yes I am in rant mode. Here are my top ten reasons why being married SUCKS!

  1. When you have a fight there is nowhere to go. Yea, you can go take a drive or go to another room, but you always have to come back. Not like being single and breaking off a relationship like changing undies.
  2. You have to put up with their flaws... For example, I have a form of anxiety (PTSD) and my husband is naturally stubborn and can go overboard like in traffic, when he loses something, etc... He just has mini temper tantrums that drive my anxiety threw the roof. But, other than that flaw he is amazing.
  3. Loss of certain freedoms like going where you want when you want without telling anyone.
  4. Being single allows you to not have to worry about expectations.
  5. They are always there....
  6. They are always there....
  7. They are always there...
  8. You have to accept their flaws as well as their families flaws... in other words family drama. Even the perfect families has certain drama that can cloud up marriage life. Being single you worry about yourself and not another family.
  9. Did I mention they are always there?
  10. You are forced to conform. No more party time (unless your hubby is into his wife getting fucked up at the club every other night)... no more girlfriends holding my hair back as I puke in the toilet. Nope, even if you are a non conformist, marriage FORCES you to fucking conform.
Other than that marriage can be awesome. My marriage is awesome, but on days like today when I am just over the whole arguing thing it makes me miss my single days as a wild, carefree, rebellious hell cat who tore the town up and rode the rotors off my 20s. So, on days like today you know I am REALLY pissed when I am listening to Bob for hours or old music for hours and not talking, your ass is on the couch tonight! Also, because I do choose peace and goodness in my husbands defense he works his ass off for us, he takes excellent care of me and his only vice is old cars. But, even the happiest people have fights. So, that has been my day. A rabbit hole of shit. Hopefully you are having a better evening than I am. However, listening to Bob for the past 5 hours has really chilled me and is making me really happy... repeat is always an option. 

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