
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Freebies Have Sucked Lately....

Yes, it's true. Freebies have sucked lately.... Thus why I haven't posted any awesome deals. I am not into coupons so I haven't posted any. Other than that just another day. Had to take my little yorkie to get her teeth cleaned. She is a 4 year old 2.75 pd dynamo. Well, my baby had to have a tooth extracted and I feel like the worst doggie mom ever. I used to brush her teeth multiple times a week. Let me clarify, I had to wrestle with her to allow me to do so. So, instead of stressing her out I cut back, then quit doing it b/c she hated it so much. Well $700 bucks later I have learned my lesson. If you are a small breed dog owner---brush brush brush those teeth. Once she heals and is off her antibiotics I will resume her cleaning schedule. I think I will have more success b/c I have a finger brush now. School sucks..... Other than that. Keep an eye out for freebie links, more rants, and more things that inspire me.

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