
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Some Have Asked... Here is my response.

I choose to create a blog that included educational, informational, spiritual, enlightening, rants, raves, art, poetry, and whatever the hell else inspires me. There is no cohesion to my blog. It is all organically coming from what I enjoy and find inspiring. You will see I have a vast love of music, poetry, art, and the occasional freebie fix. Oh yea... I do a lot of moaning and groaning about how sore my ass is from grad school. Other than that I am an old soul who enjoys life, peace, happiness, good health, and prosperity.

I do not push any agendas, I am neutral and would like for my blog to be a place of peace, good music, and inspiring stuff. Not that mundane, capitalist, plastic Hollyweird crap. If your into that... this isn't a site for you. I post things I enjoyed as I came of age, good memories, and occasionally awesome free opportunities. 

So, enjoy my somewhat new blog. It's not perfect, but neither am I. I hope you enjoy! Follow me on my journey! I promise to keep it fun, cultured, funny, and sometimes educational. Plus, awesome tunes that bring back awesome memories of days gone by.

Let's bring motherfucking culture back... FUCK the mainstream craptastic 'media'... let's create and show the world something other than the norm.

Hope you enjoy!

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